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Member’s note

Would all Members please note that the contact address for the Secretary on any matter set out in this notice is :

Annual General Meeting (AGM)

The Trust will be holding its Annual General Meeting (AGM) on Saturday 4 December 2021. This meeting will be physically held in the Armfield Club from 11.00 a.m until around 1.00 p.m. We are also looking at the feasibility of simultaneously providing a Zoom facility for Members who wish to attend the meeting remotely, and will provide further advice on this is due course, as well as arrangements for pre-registering in order to gain access.

It is also our intention to hold our annual elections in a timely manner that allows us to announce the outcome at that meeting.

The format for the AGM will include :

• the presentation of annual accounts by the Treasurer

• announcement of the outcome of the election for the three vacancies available (see below)

• discussion of agenda items put forward by the Trust Committee

• discussion of agenda items / motions from Members

we are also delighted to confirm that Blackpool FC Chief Executive Ben Mansford will attend the meeting and will lead a Q&A discussion with Members.

Any Member who wishes to propose an agenda item or motion for debate for consideration at the AGM can do so by contacting the Trust Secretary by no later than Friday 12 November 2021.

The Committee will consider any such proposals on their merits, and we reserve the right to collate and amend items relating to similar topics if needed, following discussion with the relevant Members.

A calling notice setting out the agreed agenda for the meeting will be circulated to all Members no later than Saturday 20 November 2021.

Annual Elections - the process

As stated above we also intend to announce the details of the annual Trust elections on 4 December.

We are this year moving back to electing the Committee by thirds in keeping with good practice and as advised by the FSA. Therefore this year we have three vacancies ; Danny Morgan, Derek Spence and Kevin Quirke are all standing down and have decided not to contest the election. We are sure you will wish to join the Committee in thanking all three for their service to the Trust.

Anyone wishing to stand as a candidate for these three vacancies is hereby formally invited to do so.

Applications can only be accepted from Trust Members who meet the qualifying criteria as provided for by FSA rules. If you are considering standing and are in any doubt about your eligibility, you can contact the Secretary at the e-mail address set out above and he will be happy to advise you.

The FSA Guidance on Elections and candidate eligibility can be viewed here (click on Election Policy Template) :

In keeping with our constitutional obligations, an Election Management Group (EMG) has been convened to oversee the fair conduct of the election, should one be required. It will be independently chaired by Stuart Woollard, from the Swindon Town Supporters Trust. Stuart will be supported on the EMG by the Secretary and by Phil Corbett (BST Member). We are very grateful to Stuart and Phil for their support.

The role of the EMG is to ensure that

• the election is conducted properly

• that all candidates are treated fairly and consistently, and

• that all Members have access to timely and complete information needed to help them choose a candidate.

Standing for election

If you wish to stand for election, you should do so on the nomination form. The Form can be downloaded here.

Your application will need to be proposed and seconded by existing Members (this can be done via an e-mail to the Secretary, for convenience) , and MUST be accompanied by a supporting statement of between 400-1000 words.

The style and content of the supporting statement is entirely at the applicant’s discretion, but for convenience we prefer electronic submissions in “Word” format wherever possible. This supporting statement will be candidates’ only method of communicating with voting Members, as we will not be holding any other hustings process.

Applications to stand for election, along with supporting statements, must be received by the Secretary no later than noon on Friday 12 November, for immediate circulation to Members. Voting will then take place via an electronic ballot up to noon on Friday 3 December.

Blackpool Supporters Trust

14 October 2021

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